Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon – Trophy/Achievement Guide

Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon –...

Welp, I haven’t written a trophy guide in a LOOONG time, and this one won’t go into massive detail, such as strategies or anything, BUT I’ll do my best to explain all the miscellaneous trophies, and some other shorcuts to platinum this amazing game.

  • Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10 (Some Knights are actually tough to master)
  • Approximate amount of time to platinum: 15 – 20 Hours (skill dependent)
  • Offline Trophies: 33 (PS4: 1trophy, 1trophy, 11trophy, 39trophy)
  • Glitched trophies: 0 (Some relics might be bugged, for example my Meal Ticket starts at 25k)
  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, you can tweak some options to make it easier, but some will void Feats (Trophies/Achievements)
  • Release Date: December 13th, 2021

Let’s start with sort of a ROADMAP. We start the game with Shovel Knight as our only character. The game is divided in 3 sections of 3, then a final level with a Final Boss (Puzzle Knight). If all requirements are met, then there’s an extra stage with a Real Final Boss, that has 2 stages.

Let’s start by going to Options – Adventure – Stock and set it to INFINITE. I personally play with speed in x1.50 or x2.00 but that’s up to you. Infinite stock allows you to die as many times as you want, otherwise the game will err on the side of Roguelike.

UNLOCK _______ KNIGHT TROPHIES (13, one per knight)

To unlock most of the characters you have to beat them in their respective levels. How they appear is random, but you can use your cannon in base to teleport to the appropriate level and try to find them. Once you teleport to the level, you can see in the world map who you are facing, so you can opt out any time you want. Also, while tweaking settings that disable feats, you’ll even still earn the achievement for unlocking the character.

Characters Unlocked in the Lich Yard:

King Knight, Specter Knight, Plague Knight

Characters Unlocked in the Chromatic Cavern:

Mole Knight, Treasure Knight, Tinker Knight

Characters Unlocked in the Flying Machine:

Polar Knight, Propeller Knight, Scrap Knight, Prism Knight

Characters Unlocked in a different way:

Shield Knight and Black Knight – Every level has a portal hidden under a rock tile. Every 3 levels (Boss levels) a Shrinemaster awaits. He asks for different things in order to let you grab a piece of the key for the True End. On Lich Yard he will ask you 3 keys and this will unlock Shield Knight, on Chromatic Caverns he will ask you 1 HP (permanent) and on the third occurrence he asks you for 20,000 G and the Black Knight will be unlocked as well.

Doing all of these things nets you all 13 trophies/achievements/feats of the Unlock _____ Knight

_______ KNIGHT VICTORY trophies (13, one per knight) + Puzzle Solved? Trophy

In order to get the _______ Knight Trophy, you need to beat the True Ending with each character. In order to beat the game on the True End Route there’s 4 extra things that need to be done:

Every level has a portal hidden under a rock tile. Every 3 levels (Boss levels) a Shrinemaster awaits. He asks for different things in order to let you grab a piece of the key for the True End. On Lich Yard he will ask you 3 keys and this will unlock Shield Knight, on Chromatic Caverns he will ask you 1 HP (permanent) and on the third occurrence he asks you for 20,000 G and the Black Knight will be unlocked as well. On the very next level (Level 10) you have to beat the Shrinemaster and doing this will net you the 4th part of the key.

Once you have all 4 parts, keep going until you defeat the Puzzle Knight (This will net you the Puzzle Solved? Trophy). Now, the key will open a last level (pretty tough, with harder versions of some of the monsters already encountered). Go through the gate and then beat the end boss (2 phases). You’ll get a trophy per character that beats the game this way.

Trophies obtained in base

Whack-a-mole is a mini game located in the base map. The location is close to the top left corner of the map where Chester’s Shop is. If you can’t find it, go into Chester’s Shop. Now go out, now go one tile down and then one left. If not, look at the end of my video, I know I should of recorded the other way around but, you know I was more focused on the actual trophy. For Whack-a-Mole strats, I prefer the Propeller Knight since he gets 1 more damage every time he kills something so easier to kill stuff mindlessly.

Dress to Impress requires you to buy all costumes for a character. Pick any character and in the same map where Chester’s shop is located, you will see a pile of costumes towards de bottom of the map. Bump into him 8 times (8,000 G required) and you’ll unlock this trophy.

Fully Stocked requires you to buy all relics from Chester. Every time you restart a run three relics will appear in his shop with varying prices (1k to 5k, iirc). Once you buy them, they appear in the blue chests in game, so buy them all as soon as possible. Once you buy them all, this trophy will pop. I can’t remember the exact number, but it was close to 100k G needed to unlock. Don’t worry, I’m almost done with the game and I have 1.5M G

Battle Specific Trophies

Big Chaim, Bigger Chain and Biggest Chain are obtained by making a 10x, 20x and 50x chain. I personally used Mole Knight, since he can burrow (and accommodate enemies in the process). Note that the grid is 8×8, so you won’t have space to maneuver towards the end. My recommendation is to start level 1 with mole knight. Focus on clearing the skeletons and slimes, drink potions in between and defeat the boxes to make space for the red ants. If you are in doubt of how many enemies you have in your chain, take a screenshot, pause the game, and go count the enemies in the screenshot.

Treasure Trove unlocked for me when my total count in base reached 100k, so while I’m not 100% sure what is the unlock condition, just save some money.

Fiver and Tenner requires you to deal 5 and 10 damage respectively. The easiest way is to grab Propeller Knight since he deals 1 extra damage for every lone enemy you kill before hitting a chain. So basically start level 1, pick enemies that on their adjacent tiles are not touching with another enemy of the same kind. That’s considered a lone enemy. Once you kill it, your damage will go from 1, to 2, and I managed to get it all the way to 30 (to kill a boss).

Reliquary is a trophy that requires you to obtain 10 relics at once. While not impossible, it’s recommended to play very carefully and try to maintain a high gem meter all the time. Starting on level 2, a blue chest will appear and when you open it, it will lead to Chester’s Shop where you can buy a relic. Of course, this requires that you previously bought AT LEAST 10 relics. Another thing to keep in mind is that a portal spawns on every level, and in each level except 3, 6, 9 and 10 there’s usually a mini dungeon, clearing it will net you 500g. Alternatively there’s a roulette minigame, where you can pay 1000g for a chance to get a relic. The sure way to obtain this, try to get 8k to 12k gold per level.

On level 2, buy the cheapest relic, on level 3, save 3 keys, open the shrinemaster and get the key fragment, this will also net you a relic. On level 4 and 5 buy your next 2 cheapest relics. On Level 6 (Shrinemaster level) go into the portal with 4x Gems Meter since the reward for this Shrinemaster is 5k+ on 4x Gems. Keep buying relics on every level, but make sure you enter level 8 with 10k. See how level 9 plays out, but you need 20k for the Shrinemaster (he gives you the third piece) and another relic. If you have gems leftover buy a relic. Try to get another relic between 10 and 11. Make sure you get the 4th piece of the key on Level 10 and then, this will give you a last opportunity to get a 10th relic on level 12.

Specific Knight Trophies

Fatal Chainer – Destroy 20 enemies with Shovel Knight’s extra chain damage in a single run. How to get? In level 1, form a chain of 20 enemies (red ants) and wait for a 21st ant to drop towards the chain. Hit this ant BEFORE it hits the chain and it will deal 1 damage to it. Now you will have a 20+Chain with 2HP and 1 ant with 1HP. This will trigger Shovel Knight’s power and deal 2 damage to the chain instead of one killing every ant and netting the trophy.

Well Defended – Lose 4 HP or fewer in a single level as Shield Knight. There’s two ways to get this trophy. 1) Make huge chains in Level 1. A slime Chain of 5+ will net you a barrier and wont inflict damage to you. Use that barrier to deal damage to red ants and get a bigger chain (since its the most common enemy) and keep movie through chains. It’s tough to pull but there’s an easier way. Clear a level with a surplass of keys. Open all three chests and hopefully you will get shields. Combine that with

Royal Bash – Defeat a boss with a 5+ damage Bash as King Knight. Royal Bash is easier than what it seems. Start by beating a 1st tier boss (Lich Yard) and leave him with 5 HP. Now wait till the boss is 5 spaces away from you, press Square and aim to him. He will lunge against the boss and kill him. Pretty simple.

Starved – Finish a level without collecting a Potion or turkey as Specter Knight. Specter Knight heals by killing enemies. So, start level 1, make sure you don’t touch a potion and clear the level.

Poison Pill – Defeat 20 enemies with poison in one level as Plague Knight. Plague Knight deals poison on attack. The way it works is that once you attack, he deals 1 DoT before the next 2 movements, so in order to kill a 3 HP enemy, you have to be very fast with the double attack. But in order to get this trophy, just attack a lot of red enemies in level 1. Just a single attack will suffice.

Laden with Lucre – Hoard 50,000 Gems as Treasure Knight. Treasure Knight special ability is to deal 1 extra damage if you are hitting an enemy from below. My recommendation is to go to Options – Adventure – Speed – OFF and you position yourself under the falling enemies for a faster kill. Don’t buy relics, just use smart use of your special skill and use keys to get a relic on level 3, hopefully its more health, lone damage, initiative damage or poison damage. Clear every level and mini dungeon and when you hit 50k you’ll get this trophy.

Technological Superiority – Construct your mech 10 times in one level as Tinker Knight. Tinker Knight’s trophy can be cheesed. Everytime you attack a block, you get 1 Metal. Press Square and you transform into a bot. Rinse and repeat 9 more times on level 1 and easy trophy!

Dirty Work – Avoid damage 10 times using Mole Knight’s burrow in a single run. When you press Square with Mole Knight, he goes underground and you can select a location and he will switch places to that tile. He can also dodge explosions and attacks by big monsters by doing this. So there’s a couple of cheesable moments. In level 2, for example, the griffon/griffins will attack every 4 movements. If you set the speed to 3, you’ll get it fairly quick. Alternatively, Plague Knight in Lich Yard Throws bombs every couple of movements and that’s the easiest way in my opinion.

Focus, then Execute – Slay a boss in fewer than 5 strikes as Propeller Knight. My favourite thing in this game is getting a big number and one hit a boss (unfortunately this can’t be done with the end bosses). The mechanic is simple. Propeller Knight gets +1 damage every time it kills a lone enemy, and resets when you hit a chain (2 or more enemies). So the idea is to find Plague Knight on Lich Yard. He throws slimes every couple of turns. Build your damage to 20, hit the Plague Knight and Trophy obtained.

Ice Breaker – Slay 50 frozen enemies in one level as Polar Knight. Similarly to how we built chains for Shovel Knight’s Trophy, we have to let the chain build and hit a similar enemy on its way down. Once we have a sufficient chain kill the weak enemy and all of the chain will freeze. Quickly attack it and try to do this 50 times. Open chests for a chance of a frozen hatchet. This will ensure you get the trophy.

Desperation Move – Boost to 8 base attack as Black Knight. Black Knight has a very useful special ability that is hard to master. Once we build a chain we can press Square and we can deplete that chain and get that multiplier to our base attack. So the idea is to get a x4 Gem Meter, consume it, build either 4 1x Gem Meters and consume it or anything till we build 8. The draw back to this amazing ability is (a) health is 3HP and (b) Potions clear our base damage.

Bag ’em and Tag ’em – Destroy a chain of 10 enemies, 5 times in a single level, as Scrap Knight. This Knight has a very, very useful ability. We can select an adjacent enemy and press square and we can bag it (or hold it in a bag, kinda like holding pieces in Tetris). At any time we can deploy it back or even take it to other levels. So, this trophy requires us to make 5 chains. Easy enough, you can position enemies wherever you want with him so just build 10 and that’s it.

Light Stepper – Finish a level taking fewer than 10 steps as Prism Knight. The ability for this knight is teleportation. Pretty nifty. So the trophy says steps, so basically, what you will do is teleport around the map instead of moving. One of the easier for this set of enemies.

Purist Trophy

Thankfully, the developers decided to make Puzzle Knight the target and not the end boss. Why is this important? The trophy says that we have to kill this boss with no relics. There’s a super easy way. Pick Tinker Knight, since he can base damage 3. Go to Options – Adventure – Relics and set it OFF. Now go to our teletransporter guy and pick the last level and boom, teleported with no Relics. If you leave Relics ON, you start with both tickets which nulls the trophy.

And that’s about it. 13 trophies for 13 unlocks, 13 trophies for winning the game with each Knight, and 13 trophies for character specific feats. 1 Gold trophy (Purist) for teleporting to the last level with relics off and beating the level + Puzzle Knight. 6 Combat related Silver Trophies, 4 base related silver trophies and beating the game in normal end once.

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